Church Life

But What If No One Comes?

Your congregation has planned that special event, and you were part of the group that helped plan it. Maybe it is Vacation Bible School. Maybe it’s a Gospel Meeting. Maybe it’s a special marriage seminar.

And then, the event comes, and the attendance is nowhere near what was expected. Now, those of you who planned for the event are down, and maybe you hear that “no one” came (which simply isn’t true).

How can we handle those times? Here are a few suggestions for handling an event where “no one” comes.

  1. Remember the Purpose. Why did you have the event in the first place? Was there a purpose statement given? Was it just “because we’ve always done it,” or was there a more specific purpose for this specific event? If that has not been done, it’s time to set the purpose. But if it has, then did the event meet the purpose? If so, then don’t hang your head!
  2. Remember the People. Instead of focusing on who did not show up, why not be grateful for and encouraged by those who did! After all, they grew in their faith and they were built up by what was done.
  3. Remember to Pray. Ask God for patience in those times when you may feel a little low. Ask Him for wisdom on how to improve in future events. Thank Him for the successes that did come about due to the efforts of the event. Thank Him for those who did show up and were encouraged.

There will be those times. I remember very well those times when I planned things for what I thought would be 15 or 20 people, only to have 1 or 2 show up. It hurts; there’s no way around that. But if you will look at the upside and remember the reason why these things are being done, you will find encouragement and positive ways to evaluate each event.

…and may God bless your efforts!

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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