Bible study
Week of March 10 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
On her video series this week, Leah discusses a period of Bible history that is often overlooked, the period of Judah alone. You can watch the video below or, if you choose, click here to watch on her YouTube channel. On the “margin” podcast, Adam gives a note this week from the time of preparation for receiving the 10 Commandments. Click here to listen.
Week of March 3 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
On her video lesson this week, Leah overviewed one of the most confusing parts of the Bible for many people: the period of the Divided Kingdom. To watch the lesson, click here or watch below. On the “margin” podcast, Adam shared a very short note about Exodus 20:2. To listen, click here.
Jesus Saves
While traveling down the interstate in southern Illinois recently I noticed a small yellow sign along the road. Had I been driving, I would have missed it, but I was the passenger in the front seat. It was a tiny sign, given the size of most signs along the highway, and it was up in some trees that were rather large. Its message was the title of this post. Now, you may be thinking that I’m going to write something about the beauty of that message (and it is a beautiful message). Any mention of Jesus and His ability to save us from our sins is a beautiful message. However,…
12 Lessons from the Book of Job
This winter, I was fortunate enough to be asked to teach a survey of the book of Job to our main adult class at West Side. This book is one of the richest collections of wisdom poetry in the history of the world, and its insights into the nature of divine justice and deliverance exceed all others. As usual, I feel an immense sense of gratitude for the lessons I have learned through teaching through this book as well as discussing it with others in the process. There are many more than 12 valuable lessons about God that I have learned and relearned through teaching this class. That said, I’d…
Bible School Excuses
A few weeks ago at Central, I preached a sermon on parenting. In part of the sermon, I mentioned that parents miss out on a powerful blessing when they do not “take the help” that Bible school provides. After all, parents who are striving to instill God’s Word into the hearts of their children should be utterly grateful for those kind and good teachers who provide instruction to their children. After mentioning that, I gave some excuses that I have heard over the years as to why parents do not bring their kids to class. I mentioned four in the sermon, but I want to list five commonly-heard ones here.…
Week of February 17 “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
Leah is taking a couple of weeks off from her video series to help deal with some family issues. She’ll be back very, very soon. On the “margin” podcast this week, Adam shared a very helpful outline from Mark Posey for Nehemiah chapter 1. To listen or subscribe, click here.
One Change to Consider Making to Adult Bible Classes
I am deeply appreciative of the elders at Central for many reasons. One of those reasons is that there is regular conversation about the Bible school program. In far too many congregations, the Bible school is handled with a “set it and forget it” mindset, but I am grateful that, at Central, there is ongoing discussion of how things should go. And that includes the adult Bible classes. In far too many congregations, adult classes default to one of two common ways of doing things. Either (1) they use a printed curriculum and basically just read the lesson aloud and fill in the blanks, or (2) they go verse-by-verse-by-verse-by-verse through…
Week of February 10 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
On “Into the Heart of the Bible” this week, Leah gave a brief overview of the Period of the Judges. To watch, click here or watch below. On the podcast this week, Adam gave a quick definition of a term in Deuteronomy 18:11. To listen and subscribe, click here.
Purpose Statements
Have you ever wondered why the books of the Bible were written? Sure, they were written as part of the whole biblical message, which is intended to reveal God and His message to the world. Why, though, did God choose the people that He chose to write the things that He chose for them to write? The books of the Bible contain a surprising number of individual purpose statements. Luke, for example, includes a purpose statement at the beginning of both Luke and Acts in which he reveals his intention to deliver to Theophilus an accurate description of Jesus’s life and the history of the early church (Luke 1:1-4, Acts…
Week of February 3 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
This week on her video series, Leah presented part 2 of a study of the period of conquest in the Bible. To watch, click here or watch below. (And if you click through to YouTube, take half a second and subscribe to Leah’s channel.) On the podcast, Adam shared a note from the book of Joshua that shows dedication, but also a contrast to how the book of Judges will begin. To listen and/or subscribe, click here.