Church Leadership
I recently listened to a podcast that really challenged my thinking. A key word (at least to me) was “yet.” I’m not sure if the speaker used the word “agenda” in his podcast, but that is exactly what he was discussing. To be fair, our Lord used this word because He, indeed, had an agenda. That agenda was expressed in these words: Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, As it is written of me in the scroll of the book. (Heb. 10:7) Other passages could be consulted which would testify to the fact that Jesus knew his purpose, had a divinely determined “agenda,” and fulfilled His…
The Challenge Churches Don’t Want to Address
Churches face a lot of challenges. Of course, there is no challenge so great that it cannot be overcome with God’s help. If we follow Him, there is nothing that can hold a congregation back. I have noticed that there are a lot of enemies and challenges that churches will regularly address, and will do so with great fervor. They will clearly address sins that are bearing down on society and that are in the regular news cycle. The whole array of LGBTQ issues comes to mind. Certainly, these need to be addressed and the truth of God’s Word needs to be presented boldly. It is also easy to talk…
What Is an EDA?
I’ve noticed what (at least for me) is a relatively new trend at politics events. To be honest, the trend may not be new, but a label may be. Now that both political parties have had their conventions, it may be safe to post this without seeming to take sides (I hope). At conventions, rallies, etc., there are always the usual types of speakers. Well known political people and other “important people” are part of the lineup. Most of them need no introduction. There are others, though, who do need some sort of introduction. Their names are not well-known and are probably forgotten not long after their speeches are complete.…
PTP. What in the world do those three initials stand for? At times you may hear people (including Donna and me) using these initials, but you may have no idea what we are talking about. While PTP is under the oversight of an eldership of a church of Christ in Alabama and is intended to strengthen and encourage churches of Christ, sadly (in my opinion), even some of “us” may not know that PTP stands for… Polishing the Pulpit. Contrary to what may first come to mind, we are not discussing what I guess could be called a piece of furniture used in some places during worship services. Rather, what…
Every Kid Included
I’ve seen it, and it’s sad. It’s sad that it would happen anywhere, but when it happens in one particular location, it is heartbreaking. And it really hurts when it’s your own kid. It’s when, for some reason, a young person is not part of the youth group. Oh, they are part of it by age or grade, but, for all intents and purposes, they are outside the group. And it’s as much the fault of the adults in charge as it is the young people who are being taught. Of course kids (yes, even church kids) can form little clans and can, at times, be quite mean about things.…
How to Frustrate Church Leaders on a Sunday Night
By “Sunday night,” I am not talking about the Sunday evening worship assembly. In fact, the term “Sunday night” is meant as a placeholder for anytime after worship services are finished for the day. It stands for the next time one of those faithful men who serve a congregation as an elder or as a preacher jumps on social media. Maybe they are just scrolling through Facebook to kill a few minutes before going to bed on Sunday night. Maybe they are checking their feed as part of their Monday morning routine. But it’s whenever they are on again and just seeing how things are going. Want to frustrate them?…
Another Look at Being Blinded by the (Wrong) Light
Some who read this may have read a previous post of mine that dealt with what I believe may be a danger for those of us who preach and teach God’s word. The short version of what I wrote then is that there is the possibility that the fact that we are often “in the spotlight” can distort our message, our lives, and our eternal destiny. This post is intended to “shed some light” (pun intended) on another dangerous issue. There are those who attempt to influence others by dazzling them with their personalities, their oratorical skills, impressive Hollywood style productions, and a host of other things. Those who experience their…
A Religious Equation
I realize that some who read this may not be familiar with the name, Dr. Albert Mohler. Dr. Mohler is, among other things, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Among those “other things” is hosting a podcast to which I listen on a fairly regular basis. The podcast deals with news items, various societal trends, etc. from his perspective as a religious leader. While some of the rest of this post may be enough evidence to suggest that I do not agree with some of his theology, I still find his “take” on things to be interesting. One of the features of his podcast is…
A Defense of Sunday Night Worship
Yes, I think it is a good idea for congregations to have a “second” worship service on Sunday evening. Before sharing some reasons why, let me make a few very clear introductory statements. The Lord’s Church is to meet on the first day of every week (Acts 20:7) to worship.The time of day on Sunday is not specified in Scripture, but is left up to the wisdom of the elders, so long as it is on the Lord’s Day.Whatever that time is, each member needs to be present (Hebrews 10:25) and actively worshiping in spirit and truth (John 4:24).There is no command to worship more than once on Sunday. It…
Some Thoughts on “Restudying the Issue”
Every so often, word will spread that a congregation has made a massive change. Maybe the congregation has decided to appoint female elders or deacons. Maybe the congregation has decided to allow mechanical instruments of music in worship. These and other similar issues are often made with a big statement by the elders (or by the preacher) along with words such as “after restudying the issue…”. Very often, the leaders will speak of how they have been studying this for some time, usually about a year. Immediately, many push back on that phrase, “restudying the issue.” The reason, it seems to me, is that it is almost exclusively used at…