
  • Church Life,  Family

    The Wise Sculptor Built His Sculpture Upon the Rock…

    Yes, I know that’s not how the song goes. (I am writing this article during Vacation Bible School week, after all!) However, a recent news story gave me a great reminder of that song–and, more importantly, the teaching from Jesus behind it. In New Hampshire, a group of sculptors recently gathered for a contest. First prize was a $6000 cash award, with smaller awards for various other places. The sculptures are quite remarkable. As someone who has zero artistic ability, looking at these creations is remarkable. However, the sculptures will only be around…until Sunday. Why such a short time? Are the creators taking them home? Are the winning creations going…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    I Can’t Hear You!

    We’ve all seen it. Some of us have done it. It seems that some of us are still doing it. When a small child is doing it, those of us who are older seem to have two reactions. On the one hand, we “chalk it up” to immaturity. At the same time, we hope that, with proper discipline (including instruction, training, and appropriate punishment), the behavior will become a thing of the past.   For some, the exact behavior may, indeed, become a thing of the past. Unfortunately, for others, the attitude that the behavior represents is never outgrown. Many seem to exhibit the same attitude throughout their entire lives. What is the “it” that I’m thinking…

  • Family

    Why Don’t We See Their Best Customers?

    I am a long, long way from being able to think like a leader in the corporate world. Along with that, I know next to nothing about methods of advertising. With all of that said, however, I think that I’ve detected something that, on one hand, makes no sense, but which, on the other hand, makes a lot of sense. I’m thinking that, if I wanted to sell a product, I would show pictures of, and get testimonials from, the very best customers of that product. Potential customers would be almost, if not altogether, inundated with information about how my product has enriched their lives. Depending upon what my product happened to be, the…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 151: 4 Things Your Family Can Do This Summer [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player Not Displaying or Working? Click Here to Listen.) The summer of 2020 was pretty much a wash for traditional summer activities for families. This week, Adam and Leah share four things that every family should strive to do–in some form or fashion–in the summer of 2021 so that another summer isn’t taken from our kids. The four things: Start (or Restart) Family DevotionalsTake some sort of trip (even if it’s just one day)Plan a way to serve your congregationAttend a Vacation Bible School (even if it’s not at your own congregation) Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher…

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  • Family,  Parenting

    Cousins’ Camp 2021

    Cousins’ Camp 2021 is in the books! Memorial Day weekend was a good choice because of the holiday on Monday which let all of the adults be with us for all of the days. We shortened it a little this year, mainly because things have gotten back to normal and their camps and Summer Youth Series will be held this year. (And besides that, a full week nearly killed me last year!) All of our grandchildren are teens except for our oldest who is 20 years old. You might think that they would be thinking that they are getting too old for Cousins’ Camp. You could not be any more wrong! They love being together,…

  • Family

    Who’s Dolly?

    Our second grandson is about to be a senior in high school. A recent trip that his Grammy and I made to the Sevierville/Pigeon Forge area in Tennessee reminded me of something that I did with him toward the end of his fourth grade year. I’m not sure about how or why all of this worked the way it did, but I drove from where we live in Paducah, KY to where our daughter and her family live in Cookeville, TN. I’m not sure, but I may have spent the night there. However all of that worked out, I took our grandson from Cookeville on one of those “end of the year school…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Why Do You Listen To Him?

    A part of my usual morning routine–at least on Monday through Friday–is listening to a podcast by a man with whom I disagree on some very important doctrinal positions. While those positions are discussed from time to time, most of his podcast has to do with current events and various social and societal matters from what he calls a “Christian worldview.”   I’m well aware of the fact that some may ask the question in the title: “Why do you listen to him?” Why, indeed, would I listen to a person with whom I don’t totally agree? Lately, I’ve been giving some thought to that question. I’ve also given some thought to…

  • Church Life,  Family

    We Must Judge…But Carefully

    Judging is very difficult, because it requires a hard balance. Some think we should make no judgments at all, because that is loving. (Although they don’t recognize the irony in that, because they have made a judgment to decide they should not judge.) Others are too quick to judge about everything. (They are often seen stalking in the comments section of your social media accounts.) An example of the latter occurred recently in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Local police were tipped off that someone was violating covid-19 lockdown orders and sitting inside a restaurant. The tip was sent in because, in that location, no restaurants were to be…

  • Church Life,  Family

    What’s Up With a Good Relationship?

    Hopefully, all of us value the relationships we have with others. Whether we are talking about family, friends, neighbors, people at work, or other kinds of interactions we may have, a good, healthy relationship with others blesses us in so many ways.   I’ve been doing some thinking lately about how valuable these relationships are. I’ve also been thinking about how I can do what I can to enhance those relationships. You will probably be able to add to what I’ve come up with, but here are some things that I think are vitally important. Wake up I need to wake up to the value of the people who are dear to me. I…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Preparing for One Graduation

    A young man in North Carolina took the slowness of the covid-19 pandemic in stride. Since his classes were online, he decided to take as many as he could, and also took some online classes from a community college. (If my understanding is correct, some of the classes counted for both his high school and college.) So, on May 21, he will be receiving an associate’s degree from his local community college and seven days later, will receive his high school diploma. Oh, the boy…is twelve years old! [Source] I had a lot of reactions to that story, not the least of which was wondering what I was doing when…