Week of March 10 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
On her video series this week, Leah discusses a period of Bible history that is often overlooked, the period of Judah alone. You can watch the video below or, if you choose, click here to watch on her YouTube channel. On the “margin” podcast, Adam gives a note this week from the time of preparation for receiving the 10 Commandments. Click here to listen.
Week of March 3 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
On her video lesson this week, Leah overviewed one of the most confusing parts of the Bible for many people: the period of the Divided Kingdom. To watch the lesson, click here or watch below. On the “margin” podcast, Adam shared a very short note about Exodus 20:2. To listen, click here.
Week of February 17 “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
Leah is taking a couple of weeks off from her video series to help deal with some family issues. She’ll be back very, very soon. On the “margin” podcast this week, Adam shared a very helpful outline from Mark Posey for Nehemiah chapter 1. To listen or subscribe, click here.
Week of February 10 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
On “Into the Heart of the Bible” this week, Leah gave a brief overview of the Period of the Judges. To watch, click here or watch below. On the podcast this week, Adam gave a quick definition of a term in Deuteronomy 18:11. To listen and subscribe, click here.
Week of February 3 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
This week on her video series, Leah presented part 2 of a study of the period of conquest in the Bible. To watch, click here or watch below. (And if you click through to YouTube, take half a second and subscribe to Leah’s channel.) On the podcast, Adam shared a note from the book of Joshua that shows dedication, but also a contrast to how the book of Judges will begin. To listen and/or subscribe, click here.
Week of January 27 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
This week, Leah shares the first of two videos on the Period of Conquest in the Bible. Even if you watch below, please take a moment and subscribe to her channel on YouTube. You can watch the video below or by clicking here. On the margin notes podcast, Adam shares an important devotional thought for the opening of Exodus 15. To listen or subscribe, click here.
Week of January 5 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
After a holiday break, Leah is back with a video for ladies that overviews the Egyptian period of Bible history. Click here to watch or view it below. On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam shares a brief outline from Psalm 6 that will help you be fortified against sin. Listen to the episode here.
Week of November 25 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
Leah is taking a mini-break for Thanksgiving, but there will be a new episode of her video series really soon (she is deciding between December 2 or December 9). If you’d like to take this opportunity to catch up, check out her YouTube channel–and subscribe–here. On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam was joined this week by Matt Wallin, who shared a great note on John 12:16. To listen or subscribe, click here.
Week of November 18 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
On “Into the Heart of the Bible,” Leah returns this week with an overview of the Patriarchal period of Bible history. She walks through the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and also takes a few moments to remind you how Job fits into the Biblical narrative. (If the video is not displaying properly below, click here to watch on YouTube.) On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam shares a very brief note, but one that is very encouraging, from Romans 6:22. Click here to listen to the podcast episode.
Week of November 11: “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
This week, Leah took the week off to do some deeper study and preparation for the next period of Bible history. She’ll be back next week to continue her study! This is a great time to subscribe to her channel and catch up if you’re a week or two behind. The channel can be found here. On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Chance Hicks joined Adam to share some great thoughts on a text from Luke18. Click here to listen.