Church Life,  Family

Change Cameras

Life is ever-changing. We are always either moving to something or away from something. Things are either improving or going downhill. We are either drawing closer to God, or we are drifting away from Him (though He is always there).

However, we have a tendency in life to only see a “snapshot.” We look at where we are and can only think about that moment. While that is good in some ways, it can also cause us certain problems.

  • If we are in a time when things are going well, we can take that snapshot and begin to get complacent. Things are good, and there is no reason to change anything because that’s just the way it’s going to stay.
  • If we are in time when we are struggling, we can take that snapshot and feel despair. We are struggling, and there is no reason to change anything because that’s just the way it’s going to stay.

However, we know that neither one is true. If we take just a few moments to think, we know that this moment will pass. Unless the Lord returns right then, or unless our life comes to a close, we will not be in that exact circumstance just days or weeks from now.

In other words, we need to trade in our snapshot for a camcorder. We need to look at life as a video. It unfolds in countless little snapshots, but in itself it is not a snapshot.

Our life is a story that unfolds like a movie. So, instead of snapping a single picture and calling it “life,” let God become the director of your movie–your life–, and watch Him work both the good and the bad to His glory.

And when it comes time for the credits to roll, you’ll be glad you did.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.