

For some time, “behind the scenes,” I’ve been considering not blogging any more. It does take time, but I greatly enjoy it, and many have told me it is helpful. As we have continued to do more things (iPreach, Twitter, thismoment slideshows, etc.), though, it has obviously gone to the back burner.

So, we are making a few changes to the blog.

First, there will no longer be a Lebanon Road Report posted on Mondays. We are making an e-newsletter for our congregation that fills that role, and it is sent via email. We currently send it to 99 email addresses for free, but starting September 2, we can send it (and all other e-newsletters) to up to 500. If you’d like to be on that list, just let me know and we’ll add you when we expand.

Second, we will continue to do the Friday Links Roundup. That, admittedly, is my favorite part of the blog. I read a lot of articles on many different sites (just check out the right-hand side under “In My Blog Reader”), and love sharing what has moved, informed, or helped me in the past week.

Finally, we are going to do far fewer “spiritual” articles and instead are going to limit to just stuff about our family and links to events at Lebanon Road. Again, I do quite a bit of writing each month (bulletin articles, THINK magazine, and other projects–one of which is consuming my time right now), so posting here is difficult. I want the content to be fresh, instead of just posting “because I have a blog.” When I make a “thismoment” slideshow, I will link to that, so you can keep up with those as well! For example, here is the latest about Valley View camp.

I hope you find these changes for the better. We want this blog to be helpful to as many as possible, but it does not need to shroud our other work!


One Comment

  • Matthew

    I would like the news letter sent to me if you do not mind. I am really proud of the great work that you do for the church there. Like keeping up with you. You are a hard worker for the Lord, one of the hardest.