
Cheaters Go Digital

Schools all over the US and Canada are banning digital music players, such as iPods and Zunes. Why? Because students are downloading test answers, math formulas and even “Schoolhouse Rock” songs and using them to cheat on tests.

I understand that there will always be some who will cheat on tests and homework assignments. I just wonder, though, how much time is spent thinking of things to download (or voice record), downloading them and filing them in the player. In all that time, why not just study for the test?!

Dishonesty is a character trait that is growing all the time, but Christians need to be above the world. Some claim that, to get ahead in life, we need to cheat or, at least, “bend the rules.” But those who do those things eventually find themselves behind, because they never took the time to really study a subject.

Let’s be honest in all that we do. Young people, it may seem easier to cheat (even digitally), but, in the end, you’ll feel better if you just study hard.


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