A Childlike Faith in the Father
I am praying and thinking today of many who were adversely affected by the storms of last night. Thankfully, though the wind blew hard here, there is no real damage in our area. But I do want to share a story that happened amid the storms last night.
The storms awoke our daughter a little after midnight. She was crying, so I lumbered out of bed and went into her room, where she was obviously shaken by the storms outside. I held her for a minute and asked what was wrong. She just said, “The storms are scary.”
I said, “It’s okay. Do you want daddy to lay here with you for a minute?”
What happened next was a true daddy moment. She said, “Yes” … and then went immediately back to sleep. No fear. No compromise. Just trust in her father, though there was nothing I could do to calm the storms or stop the noise.
The application is obvious, but it is one I wanted to share anyway. Our Father can calm the storms. He can stop the noise. He never leaves us, and He will not forsake us. Why, then, do we fret and worry? This precious child reminded me that I need to have faith like a child and trust my heavenly Father when the storms of life are raging.
Some of you are going through storms in this life that are unimaginable to me. If you are, remember when you were a child and how just the touch or the sound of your father could calm you. Then, take that same trust and remember that your heavenly Father is more powerful and is perfect. Trust in Him, your Father, and remember to pray the simple words: “Keep me safe, ’til the storm passes by.”

Jim Faughn
Great post — AGAIN!!