
Church Bulletin Material

Every church tries to put something humorous in the content every so often. Well, this little story can be used (as long as the blog address is mentioned!), and it is funny.

The best part is, it’s real, because it happened to us Sunday morning.

Mary Carol is old enough that we are trying to teach her the names of the different avenues of worship. She’s got singing and praying down. She basically knows what preaching is. However, as with most children, the Lord’s Supper and giving are still fuzzy.

To try to help her understand giving, we let her put our family’s contribution in the plate when it is passed around. After she has put it in, I try to always tell her, “Good girl.” Then I ask, “What was that called?” She is still learning, so she usually whispers, “I don’t know.” When I tell her it’s called “giving,” she’s so proud and informs her mother and brother: “Giving, momma. Giving, Turner.”

Leah then tries to get her to understand that the money is going to God. We are giving to Him.

Sunday morning that lesson didn’t sink in. After my little teaching session, Leah asked, “Where does that money go?”

Mary Carol’s answer (in a whisper)?

“In the plate.”

So literal, but too cute!


One Comment

  • James 1:2-3

    Adam, not sure if you remember me from Freed, but I’m TJ’s wife. 🙂 Anyway, I appreciate your blog and enjoy reading the great Christian info. I was reading the post about Mary Carol and “the plate” and it reminded me of a story I thought I’d share. TJ and I are foster parents and were blessed to have a brother and sister from April to June. Cody, who is 9 and had never been to church until he came to our home, couldn’t quite grasp the concept of the Lord’s supper. Finally, after about a month of being given money for the collection plate, he leaned over and whispered to me, “Why do the grownups keep getting to eat the snacks if the kids are the ones paying for them?” Thought that might make you smile!