
Class All the Way

My sister, Amber Tatum, called me on the phone last evening to see if I had heard the verdict of the Mary Winkler case. When I told her that I had, she then asked if I had heard the response of Dan in the behalf of the family.

I hadn’t, but now I have. If you have not yet heard (or seen) it, the statement it truly remarkable.

Amber said that it was all class, and she (as usual) was right. Even those on News Channel 5 who were in the studio at the conclusion of the statement could not keep from saying how classy the Winkler family has been throughout the entire 13 month ordeal.

Following are two videos of the statement.

The first is the NewsChannel 5 link. Click here, then, near the right-hand side, click on “Matthew Winkler’s Parents Respond to Verdict.” The video is a little unclear, but the statement, and the reaction of those in the studio, is not.

The second link is from the Jackson Sun’s website. It is the same video of the statement made outside the courthouse, but is from a different angle and is somewhat more clear. Click here, then on “Video–The Mary Winkler Trial–Matthew’s Family Responds.”

The Bible teaches us to be meek, and that involves being about to bear up under difficulty. If any video every showed someone being truly meek, these do. Our prayers, as stated in our last post, are with so many in this case, but right now, we want to say “thank you” to Dan and Diane for showing a class act.


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