When It’s Closer than “Next Door”
Saturday evening, my family pulled into the hotel we were to stay at that night. The congregation for which I was holding a meeting had to book us in two different hotels at no fault of their own. We were just thankful for a comfortable place to stay. We only stayed in this hotel one night, then moved to one much closer to the church building.
However, when we pulled in, Leah and I just looked at one another. Our kids are learning to read, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy that they couldn’t read longer words. The reason was the huge sign in the sky, and the same words on the large sign over the door: “Adult Superstore.” I knew that, if they could read those words, they would wonder what type of place that was. How do you explain that???
We parked outside our room, actually in a parking lot that is partially shared by these two places. It was quite awkward to walk to the lobby for breakfast, to say the least! I was thankful for the room, but quite glad it was not our “permanent” place for the week.
But that experience got me to thinking: why do so many consider establishments like that so shameful, but then will log on to the internet and view the very same material? What is it about looking at this stuff on a private screen that makes it palatable, but walking into a store is considered slimy at best, and downright sinful at worst?
I ask that question because we all know that pornography (or the more tame term “adult material”) is all over the internet, and the anonymity of the web has made it far more than a problem. In fact, it has made it downright common……
…..but just because something is common does not make it right.
Far too often, this hits much closer than next door. It hits home, and those homes are harmed. If you are struggling with this temptation, or have given in, please find help. Contact me if nothing else. I don’t want any home harmed by this, but far too many “next doors” are being destroyed by it.
