Church Life,  Trust God

Cluttered Desks

Having lived on my own now for almost 2 years, I am convinced that there is no more difficult task than keeping a desk clear of clutter for more than about 2 days. This is something that anyone who has seen my desk at the church office or (especially) my desk at home knows about me. I am writing this just after making yet another attempt to clear off the church desk; it’s still not totally clear, but it looks much better than it did before. It’s not that the clutter doesn’t bother me – believe me, it does. It’s just that every time I have a chance to clear things away, there seems to be either some other important task to accomplish or some reason to keep at least some of what I would otherwise throw away.

Wait a second…

Having lived on my own now for almost 2 years, I am convinced that there is no more difficult task than keeping my life clear of sinful habits for more than about 2 days. This is something that anyone who has seen me at church on Sundays or (especially) throughout the week knows about me. I am writing this just after making yet another attempt to shrug off these practices; they’re still not totally gone, but things look much better than they did before. It’s not that sin doesn’t bother me – believe me, it does. It’s just that every time I have a chance to clear things away, there seems to be either some other important task to accomplish or some reason to keep at least some of what I would otherwise throw away.

Uh oh.

Unfortunately, these are both things I have said at times over the course of life. I doubt I’m the only one who can relate to them, especially the second one. The good news is, even though both of these pursuits can seem impossible, they never are. When it comes to clearing the clutter from a desk, it’s never going to get done without effort on my own part, but it’s often helpful to get help from someone who’s a lot better at clearing clutter than I am. When it comes to clearing sinful habits from my life… Well, you get the picture.

Thankfully, I know Someone who is pretty perfect when it comes to removing sins, and who motivates me to be better at it, too.

“But that is not the way you learned Christ!— assuming that you have heard about Him and were taught in Him, as the truth is in Jesus, to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” ~ Ephesians 4:20-24

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AUTHOR: Luke Tatum


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