Today is a day I have been excited about for a long time. It’s not just because it’s New Year’s Day. It’s because it’s the first day of 2025. And that, by definition, means it’s the first day of 2025-2029.
You might be thinking, so what?
It has to do with our work at Central. For months, we have been thinking about, praying for, and preparing for the years 2025-2029. Back in October, we released a video entitled “Confluence” that was meant to share our vision for this five-year period at Central.
The video is great, but what it represents is, I pray, far greater. You see, every goal set for our congregation has to do with evangelism. None of these goals is about us being comfortable. None is about a nicer building. They are all about growing the congregation locally and the kingdom throughout the world.
So, it’s time to get started, and I couldn’t be more excited. Watch the video to see what I’m excited about. And then, it’ll be time to get to work on a focus that couldn’t be more important!
AUTHOR: Adam Faughn