Church Life,  Family

Count Your Many Blessings: 100 Reasons I’m Thankful

The old hymn says, “Count your many blessings, name them one by one…and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.” So, today I’m doing just that. I hope this list encourages you to be more grateful.


I’m thankful for…

1. God’s love for me in spite of myself.

2. Jesus taking my place on Calvary.

3. God creating such a beautiful world.

4. Leah, and how she reminds me constantly of the virtuous woman.

5. Marriage and the picture of Jesus and His Bride.

6. How God somehow brought Mary Carol into our lives by adoption.

7. How Mary Carol’s story reminds me that I’m adopted into God’s family.

8. The amazing surprise of having Turner.

9. My dad, and the blessing of being able to say he is my hero.

10. How much my mom’s love and wisdom are so much a part of me.

11. In-laws who are not out-laws, but are all people I deeply love and admire.

12. Having a sister who is also a friend.

13. Nic, Lindlee, Luke, Daniel, Lyssa, and Jude. Nobody should be the uncle of the 6 coolest nieces and nephews in the world.

14. The Bible, and how it molds lives.

15. How Lebanon Road is a family and feels like home.

16. A comfortable house that Leah makes a home.

17. The freedoms of living in America.

18. Men and women who have fought (and continue to fight) to keep us free.

19. Laughter.

20. The sound of my kids yelling, “Daddy!” when I come home from work.

21. Friends like John and Daniel who are giving their lives to mission work.

22. Older couples who continue to hold hands.

23. The men who lead worship at Lebanon Road. They truly help us go to God’s throneroom.

24. Living in a time in which we can connect around the world in an instant.

25. The “off” button on gadgets.

26. JD and Harry. We work so well together, and they make the weeks fly by.

27. Mrs. Nancy. Every congregation should be blessed with a secretary so helpful and organized.

28. The countless Christians who work behind the scenes to build up the Kingdom.

29. The Holy Spirit “filling in the blanks” of many of my prayers through the years.

30. Preaching. It is a true mix of humbling and honor.

31. The scores of preaching friends I have. We may not agree on every last detail, but the Word of God is in good hands.

32. Elders who have helped me grow as a preacher and as a man.

33. My mentoring group. These guys challenge me to do greater things.

34. Stress. After all, if I had none, I would be dead!

35. The many times I’ve been able to see someone put Christ on in baptism. It never gets old!

36. The fact that “no one responds alone” at Lebanon Road.

37. Being debt free.

38. Christian colleges and schools of preaching who stay true to God’s Word.

39. Writers who challenge me to think.

40. Good eyesight, so I can enjoy God’s creation.

41. Music.

42. The  health of my children.

43. The child-like faith of new Christians.

44. People who just know what to say in any circumstance. I have a lot to learn from them.

45. The perfect example of Jesus.

46. Living in a time when doctors and medicines make life a little easier.

47. People who go through struggles but keep their faith in God strong.

48. Polishing the Pulpit, the Freed-Hardeman Lectures, and other events that help me grow and mature.

49. People who dream big dreams for the Lord’s Church.

50. A safe neighborhood where our kids can grow and enjoy life.

51. Bible school teachers. Their work is truly Godly.

52. People who have taught me how to disagree without being disagreeable.

53. God’s matchless grace.

54. Nights alone with my family.

55. Meals around our dinner table.

56. All the bloggers and podcasters who help me think and feed my mind with good and helpful material.

57. A conscience and how God helps me train it.

58. The fact that I got to know all four of my grandparents.

59. Traditions that our children are already picking up on and looking forward to.

60. Being able to bring a smile to people’s faces just by a visit to the hospital or nursing home.

61. Parents who are examples to me as I try to parent.

62. Christian ladies who still exemplify what the word “lady” really means.

63. Leah’s cooking!

64. The elders at Lebanon Road, who have supported me, helped me, and even corrected me, but always with grace.

65. Old men who still shed tears because their hearts can still be touched.

66. People who are not afraid to speak up for the Bible in our world.

67. Andy Kizer. I never could have had a better coworker when I was in youth ministry, and I consider him my mentor.

68. Teachers like Earl Edwards, Dowell Flatt, Billy Smith, and many others, who not only taught me the Bible, but showed how it was to be lived out daily.

69. Gary and Rosemary McKnight. This wonderful couple will never know how much they mean to our family.

70. Being a small part of a family of preachers.

71. The fact that those in my family who are not preachers are still teachers and faithful to God’s Word in various ways.

72. You who read this blog. Every person who comes here is special to us.

73. The fact that I grew up in Dexter, Missouri. The town, school, and congregation were perfect for helping me mature.

74. Freed-Hardeman University. There is no perfect place, but this school helped me shape my faith, and it is where I met the love of my life.

75. Every place that has ever asked me to come speak. Each time the phone rings or the email comes, it puts a little wind in my sails. May I never forget that when I’m asked to get speakers.

76. The ability to preach. I may not be the best–in fact, I know I am not–but I’m thankful that God blessed me with the talents necessary to work at it.

77. Hugs.

78. Leah’s smile. There can be no more beautiful site on earth.

79. The fact that Mary Carol adores me, but emulates Leah.

80. Turner’s love of laughter.

81. The changing of seasons, which reminds me that God is in control.

82. Three nails on Golgotha.

83. A stone that was rolled away.

84. Men who gave their lives to preserve the Bible through the years.

85. Hope.

86. The joy that comes in seeing a life changed by the Gospel.

87. Men who are teaching their boys to be men of God.

88. Single people who do not see themselves as second-class Christians. (Because they aren’t!)

89. Opportunities to write.

90. Prayer.

91. God’s total control over the universe.

92. Rainbows.

93. Heroes of faith, with a special place in my heart for Job, Esther, and Micaiah

94. Christians who do amazing acts of faith every day,  just by going to work or school in ungodly places and remaining faithful.

95. The joy of watching a seed grow into a beautiful fruit-bearing plant each year.

96. Times when I can reflect.

97. Preachers who model faithfulness not only in the pulpit, but in daily living.

98. The fact that, everywhere I go, I have brothers and sisters in Christ.

99. “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

100. The fact that coming up with 100 things wasn’t that hard, because God is so good.

QUESTION: What would you add? What are you thankful for today? Share in the comments below!


Photo credit: Todd on Creative Commons

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