
Despise (Bulletin Article for March 2)

We have so many young people involved in Lads to Leaders this year. Our group of 95 (over 40 young people) will be going to the Opryland Hotel in just a few weeks, and the young people are doing a great job with final preparations. We continue to be proud of their work and dedication.

The theme verse for this year’s convention is First Timothy 4:12, which, in the King James Version, begins with these words: “Let no man despise thy youth.” Other translations give us the verse in these ways:

  • “Let no one despise you for your youth” (ESV).
  • “Don’t let people look down on you because you are young” (NIV, Phillips).
  • “Let no one slight you because you are young” (NEB).
  • “Let no one look down on your youthfulness” (NASB).

The rest of the verse teaches young people to be examples of what it means to be “a believer.”
The word translated “despise” or “look down” means, according to Strong’s, “to condemn, despise, disdain, think little or nothing of.” Instead, young people need to realize that they are something!

Quite often, young people are told to have good self-esteem. This verse gives the formula for building positive self-esteem. Step one: don’t let anyone think little of you because of your youth. Step two: start doing things to show others how to live for God. In other words, to build a positive self-image, live as God would have you to live.

Young people won’t find that in any teen magazine or on a TV show. The world will tell young people to “step on” anyone necessary to make themselves look better. That’s the world’s plan.
God’s plan, as we might expect, is the exact opposite. Instead of stepping on others, serve others. Instead of showing out, be pure. Instead of filthy talk, have proper speech. Instead of anger, have love.

Young people have so much to offer in the work of the Lord. They are still growing spiritually (as are we all), and they will make mistakes (as do we all), but there is something so great about a young person who gives himself/herself to the work of the Lord.

We are proud of our young people, and we pray for them daily. These words from Paul should be their motto for daily living. I’m proud that, for some of our young people, they already are!

“Stop allowing anyone contemptuously to be pushing you aside because of your youth”
(Wuest’s Expanded Translation)
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