
Do They Really Want to Make This Jump?

Scientists uncovered another set of dinosaur fossils, and have made an amazing jump as to the age of the creature. They have also made another interesting statement in regard to plesiosaur. Yahoo! reports:

In life, 70 million years ago, the five-foot-long animal would have resembled Nessie, the long-necked creature reported to inhabit Scotland’s Loch Ness.

Did you catch that?

The scientists are claiming that the creature resembles a creature that has never been proven to exist!

Now, the sad part is that they must automatically jump back 70million years to make this creature fit their teetering theory. Why? Because scientists continue to want our existence to be true without God. If He is in the picture, then they must conform to His ways.

To read the entire article about this finding, click here.


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