Church Life

Do You Really Care what the Bible Says?

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Sometimes reading the Bible is hard. Not because it is hard to understand. Not because it is hard to make the time. Not because it is hard to pay close attention.

But because it is hard to care enough about what it says to change.

Jesus once told a parable about a sower who went out to sow his seed. In the explanation of that parable, Jesus said very plainly that the seed was the word of God (Luke 8:11). The rest of the parable discusses how that seed was received. The seed never changed, but depending on where that seed landed there were differing results. Some soil rejected the seed. Some never let it take root. Some received it but allowed it to get choked out by worldliness. Finally, one particular soil received the seed and patiently yielded a bumper crop.

Over many years of preaching, I have learned that the majority of the people who are exposed to the teachings of the Bible do not properly respect its authority. Perhaps they have never been taught the truth about the nature of inspired and divine text. After all, if you are raised in a religious organization that has its own doctrine or creed, why would you really care when you came across a Bible passage that clearly disagrees with what you have been practicing for years?

Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees because they transgressed the commandments of God for their own traditions (Matt. 15:3). Every single person who will ever read the Bible is in danger of making the same mistake. This is proven by the fact that people often plant and organize churches according to individual human preferences, and not according to the pattern of God. Jesus said in Matthew 15:13, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.” There may be no stronger statement from the Son of God about the error of self-made Christianity than this one. Certainly the teaching is clear. Just because you call it holy or good or spiritual or Christian – doesn’t make it so!

Recently I have been engaged in a few Bible studies with individuals who gave me a new appreciation for the good soil Jesus praised. One of my study partners said, “Well, it is in the Bible and Jesus said we should do it, so that is what I am going to do.” Another one said, “I want you to help me to stop doing anything in my life that God tells me in the Bible I don’t need to be doing.” These individuals have the right kind of heart and they will be blessed. They are good soil. They not only care what the Bible says, they care enough to obey it to adjust their entire lives accordingly. They know their eternity is at stake.

I love you friend, and I am as obligated as you are to change some things. Some who will read this article need to change how they worship. Some need to change their view concerning Biblical authority. Some need to realize they are wrong about the plan of salvation. Some need to stop committing sins that they have tried to justify out of the arguments of silence or liberty. And some need to even leave their old religion and organization behind and become a part of the one church that belongs to Christ alone.

For all of us, the question is the same – “Do you really care what the Bible says?” If you do, sometimes reading the Bible will be very difficult. Sometimes it is harder than not reading it at all.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven” – Matthew 7:21

“If you love Me, keep My commandments” – Matthew 14:15


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Photo background credit: Dwight Stone on Creative Commons


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