
Doesn't That Matter, Too?

Okay, I have to confess two things before I begin this post.

1. I have never been a fan of beauty pageants. It really bothers me that we take small girls and tell them to be pretty because that’s what matters. So, this post is jaded a bit by that viewpoint.

2. I totally agree with Carrie Prejean’s statement about gay marriage. Marriage should be between a man and a woman. That’s not only a “family raising” thing, it’s a Bible thing. The Miss USA pageant should have known that, by choosing Perez Hilton as a judge, they were just asking for trouble.

Now, with those two points out of the way, here’s something I want to know.

Why are Christians not up in arms that Carrie Prejean wore a totally immodest swimsuit, but are “so proud” that she was against gay marriage?

I see on Facebook groups and Twitter posts that many Christians are standing up for Carrie and are totally behind her for her stance on gay marriage. Again, I agree with her on that.

Have those same Christians failed to notice that this same woman chose to wear something totally immodest for her swimsuit competition outfit? Does that not matter anymore? [Note: I have not searched for these pictures!]

I have nothing against Carrie Prejean. Obviously, I don’t know her, and I’m not trying to “smear” her. I’m just amazed that, in all that I’ve read, no one has even mentioned her choice of attire.

Far too many Christians jump on one issue and think that anyone who agrees with them on that one issue is a “great person.” However, we let other things slide and think they are just aren’t any big deal. Gay marriage = important issue; modesty = unimportant.

Who gets to make those decisions? Why aren’t both important? When will we realize that immodesty (or cursing, or cheating, or other sins that aren’t considered “big deals” anymore) is wrong. When will Christians stand against the continuing slide of morals in so many areas, and not just in a couple of pet issues.

Yes, homosexual marriage should be stopped. Homosexuality is a sin and will cause people to be lost.

But so will immodesty. Christians, let’s stand up for higher morals. Let’s be bold in all areas, not just in a few hot-button issues.



  • John Gaines

    You are absolutely right in your observations. There are both moral and free-speech issues at play in this controversy. I don’t fully agree with Ms. Prejean’s comments about same-sex marriage because she said it was “great” that a choice exists although she favored marriage between men and women. Like you, I disagree with the clothing she (and all the other contestants) wore. However, I strongly object to the way she has been treated by Hilton and pageant officials. If her answer was inappropriate because it politicized the event, then the question itself was just as inappropriate on the same grounds. I think what distresses a lot of people is that this young woman has been subjected to tremendous criticism for voicing the same opinion that was ratified by the majority of voters in her state only a few months ago. As a Christian, I disapprove of her attire. As an American, I am fearful for what her treatment says about the liberties we ought to cherish in this country.

  • Wes Hazel

    You hit the nail on the head. If it helps my wife beats that drum everytime this comes on television. I am grately disturbed at the acceptance of immoral dress in the Church. I keep seeing too many facebook homes of good / sincere Christain young women who are putting pictures on the internet of themselves exposed in bikinis and other swimwear. Mothers need to be teaching their daughters. Fathers need to be taking a stand in their homes. Preachers need to be preaching on these issues.

    “Yes, homosexual marriage should be stopped. Homosexuality is a sin and will cause people to be lost.

    But so will immodesty.”

    Now I have to rewrite my bulletin article!
    Great post Adam.