Don’t Give Up Now!

If all goes to plan, later this very week the vaccine that so many have worked for, hoped for, and even prayed for will be approved and the process of vaccination will begin. It is a marvel to think about how quickly this has been done, and it is remarkable to consider how quickly millions–and even tens-of-millions–of doses will be distributed.
With that hopeful news making the rounds, a good number of leaders are having to share a new type of message to their states, communities, and other groups of people. The first person I heard state it was the governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear. In what I felt like was a very thoughtful way, he reminded the citizens of this state that we are now, it seems, so very close to getting this vaccine and helping those most vulnerable to this virus. Then he basically said, “Don’t give up now!”
What he–and other leaders–meant is that the good news could so easily outweigh the bad in many people’s minds that they start to do things they shouldn’t and things get far worse. Those who have been indoors might start running errands. Those who have avoided any crowds might head to a crowded store for Christmas shopping. Those who have been vigilant to social distance and wear a mask might be tempted to drop any pretense of effort along those lines. If that happens, the results could be horrible…with a vaccine right around the corner.
When I thought of that, my mind went to something far more important than even our physical health or this virus. It went to our walk with the Lord. How many people serve the Lord through a dark time in their lives…and almost make it through? How many people follow His will for their marriage…until something really hits their relationship in a hard way? How many people walk with the Lord for the vast majority of their life…only to stray in the latter years of ease or physical decline?
Often, the hardest part of something is the final few steps. As we are often reminded, the night is darkest just before dawn. Sadly, many stop being vigilant agains the enemy and stop drawing near to the Lord just when they are almost through a dark storm of life–or even just before they leave this earth through death.
Jesus promised a crown of life for those who are faithful until death (Revelation 2:10). Some suggest this means be faithful through life, while others suggest it means be faithful even if your faith costs you your life. Whichever is more accurate, the application is the same: we must walk in faith until our final breath, no matter what dark times come.
The stain of sin is real, but Jesus has already told us how to overcome. The cure has already been administered on Calvary. The hope has already been realized at the empty tomb. All He asks is that we meet Him there, and that we walk through the storms with Him…and don’t give up.