An Election Day Prayer
Thank you for the blessings you provide. I am not thankful enough, but please accept this simple statement of repentance for my lack of gratitude.
On this day, Lord, I pray for the wonderful nation in which I live. Thank you for the blessing of living in the United States, and for the myriad number of freedoms that make our lives here to easy and joy-filled. Thank you for our heritage as a nation, and thank you for those throughout the years that have put You first, even before their country.
Lord, today our nation sets out again to select leaders at every level of government. My prayer today is for this nation. Thank you for this freedom to vote; to have a say in the affairs of our country. Thank you for the men and women who give countless hours to serve me and my family in the government. I pray for their health and stability as they go through what must be a highly stressful and emotional day. I pray for their families, as they also must be exhausted and ready for this frenetic pace to slow.
Thank you for Barak Obama and Mitt Romney. Thank you for their running mates, families, friends, and volunteers who support them and have helped them achieve the lofty position of being on the very edge of the highest office we have in our nation. Thank you for their love of this country. Though they stand opposed on many issues, I am thankful that each of them tries to convey a vision for our nation.
Father, I pray that whoever is elected or re-elected will be safe, secure, and healthy. I pray that we who wear your name will not put our trust in them over our trust in You. Further, I pray that either of these men will come to fully realize the glory found in your Son, and will lead our nation back to a closer walk with the values and principles You desire in a country.
In a special way, Lord, I pray a prayer of thanks for the countless men and women who have died or given of themselves so that I can drive safely and walk up to the poll with no fear. My grandparents were a part of that “Greatest Generation,” and I’m thankful for men and women like them who made today remain a simple joy in life.
I pray for civility throughout the day and, should this election take some time to resolve, peace throughout the process. May Christians act like you would have them to no matter who wins any election, from President through municipal leaders. May we pray for our leaders and their wisdom. May we seek Your guidance in their behalf. May we not be cruel or harsh, but may we respect the good done by these leaders, while lovingly opposing evil that might be put forward.
God, bless our country, but only as we bless and respect Your wonderful name.
Through Jesus,
Photo credit: jnn1776 on Creative Commons
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Thanks Adam.
Wayne Gordon
Heartfelt words! May Christians everywhere echo these words and allow God the opportunity of working His will through this election!!