
Evolution's Next "Step"

For many years, students have been taught that bipedalism (walking on two feet) was a distinguishing characteristic of humans from ancestors. Evolutions have said over and over that, once ape-like ancestors moved from the trees to the ground, they starting walking upright. It was known as the “savannah hypothesis.”

Now, though, we are being told something different. Some English scientists are saying that earlier monkeys walked basically upright while still living in trees. This “news” has caused much confusion in the evolutionary camp.

Sad, isn’t it?

Evolutionists have to change their theory–even major components of their theory–with nearly every discovery. Why not just realize that it’s all a futile effort to de-throne God? He is the Creator (Genesis 1). He is the Designer. It didn’t happen zillions of years ago.

Instead of looking for ways to “bolster” their theory, evolutionists need to just collect the evidence and honestly examine it. Those who have are turning away from the theory, and turning to a Higher Power.

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