An Exciting New Work…With More to Come
Today, we are thrilled to let you know about a new work we are beginning in conjunction with our blog, and it is just the tip of the iceberg.
Interested yet? Then read on…
Yesterday, we launched a new email newsletter that will run in conjunction with our blog. The newsletter will be delivered via email and will only come out once per month. Since we post regularly on our blog, we don’t want to flood you with more stuff, but we wanted to have this outlet for more information. The newsletter will be called “This Month with the Faughn Family,” and will come out near the end of each month. The first issue will go out on Thursday, November 29.
What You’ll Receive
We are promising three things with our newsletter, and they spell, um, “BEV.”
1. Brevity. Though the newsletter will only come out monthly, we don’t want to send you so much stuff that you avoid it. We will have around 4-6 items in each newsletter, but we will try to make each one something that can be read or looked at in less than 3 minutes. In other words, we want this to be something that can be consumed in under 20 minutes.
2. Encouragement. This is the major purpose. Each one of us gets so much discouragement in our lives. We want to give you something each month that will provide you with a breath of fresh air in your inbox.
3. Variety. The reason we decided on a newsletter is that we can provide you with more variety than we can through this blog. We try to keep our focus on this blog to things related to church life and family life, with very little else sprinkled in. Through the newsletter, we hope to provide tips on homeschooling, financial help, recipes, links to other great resources, and much more. Each month, you will never know what is coming.
Now, here are two more reasons to sign up.
First, these will NOT be “retreads” of our blog posts. While we might run a “classic” post in these newsletters at times, even that will be rare. This newsletter will provide you with more information that you simply can’t get here on the site.
Second, you will want to sign up for more things that are coming in the (hopefully very near) future. I wish I could say more, but I can’t. The newsletter, though, will be a major way to know about these exciting developments. (No, we aren’t moving or having a baby. These are blog-related developments!)
How to Sign Up (for free, of course)
So, are you interested yet? How can you sign up?
Here are three ways. Just choose one and you’re in!
1. Click this link and simply enter your email address. (By the way, we will never give your email address away, and we will not use it for any other purpose than to send you these monthly newsletters.)
2. Click this link and hit “subscribe” in the upper left-hand corner.
3. Go to the upper right-hand corner of our site and fill in the form. (If you are reading this through rss or email, click here to go to the site.)
A Request and a Reminder
Once you have signed up, would you do one thing? Would you take just a moment and tell just 5 people about the newsletter? You can email them the link or just forward the introductory newsletter to them. We would appreciate it. We would like to have at least 50 people receive the first email, but that’s going to take your help!
As a reminder: the first newsletter will come out on Thursday, November 29, so get signed up to receive the first regular edition of “This Month with the Faughn Family.”
Photo credit: Fletcher Prince on creative commons
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