Family,  Tech

The FCC, Nudity, Extreme Profanity, and Your TV

For years, some have tried to point out the declining morals we see and hear in our mainstream media. It is something I have preached very passionately about, partly because, well, I like to be entertained, so it is a struggle. But I also preach passionately about this issue because so many Christians seemingly do not care what comes across their iPod or TV screen.

The latest word from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), though, should open our eyes. Parents, are you ready for your children to see full frontal female nudity at any time during the day on your TV in your living room?


If the latest consideration from the FCC comes to pass, that is exactly what will occur. Additionally, the ban would be lifted on what is called “extreme profanity.” The so-called “f-word” would be allowed on any TV show at any time of day, as would many other words.

By the way, if you think this is just some wild idea the FCC has dreamed up on its own, both NBC and FOX have tried for some time to get these “standards” lifted so they could continue to produce their “art.”

…or their trash.

We sit for hours on end before the true “American Idol.” Not the TV show…the TV itself. It has the place of highest priority in our house, and every seat in many rooms is oriented for our faces to see it. We plop ourselves down in front of it and watch whatever it puts before us. If it wants us to laugh, we laugh. If it wants us to cry, we cry.

And if it wants us to think that something is no big deal, we go right along with that, too.

Parents, when will we say “no” to so much television in our house for our children? Or, may I be so bold as to ask, when will we say “no” to so much TV for ourselves?

It is not a sin to watch TV. I enjoy some shows and love watching games when I get the chance. But for far too many Christians, we simply watch with no moral discrimination. If it’s on, we just have to see it. And any thinking of God and His standards are put on hold until the TV’s job of entertaining me is done.

Is this latest consideration from the FCC enough to wake us up?

Or will the TV idol win our allegiance yet again?

QUESTION: How do you control the TV viewing in your house?

[UPDATE 4/9/2013, 11:09 CST]: It has come to my attention that part of my wording is not accurate with the original FCC document. Honestly, I tried to work my way through the original, but could not, so I went with the source linked to in the post. I apologize for this, but went with it as accurate. The inaccuracy is that the FCC is not considering a total “lift,” but is looking at allowing “fleeting” and “non-repetitive” uses of nudity and/or profanity. While I obviously still stand by the overall message of this post, I wanted to make it clear that I was inaccurate (honestly so) in that part of the “report.” Thank you for understanding.


Photo credit: Jason Rodgers on Creative Commons

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  • Tiffany Gaines

    Great article! In our house tv time has to at least equal Bible reading time. i.e. Abby has to read 30 mins. to watch a 30 min approved tv show. Daniel and I try to go above this and double it, although we don’t really watch tv all that much. In saying this, she has grown to where she reads for fun more than necessity now. 🙂 It looks like our tv watching days may come to an abrupt halt if what you mentioned comes to pass. Thanks for all you do for Jesus!

  • Adam Faughn

    Tiffany, That is a wonderful, wonderful parenting idea!!! Thank you so much for sharing, and for you and Daniel being the kind of Christian people you are.

  • Shane Robinson

    Good thoughts. As it relates to your update, “fleeting,” in my opinion just opens the door wider until someone pushes for the next step. It’s like the frog in boiling water illustration if you ask me.