Church Life

Looking Forward to FHU

Next week is the annual Freed-Hardeman University Bible lectureship. Each year, we head to Henderson, Tennessee to learn more about the Bible and to see brothers and sisters from all over the world. While it is a tiring week, it is one of the highlights of our year.

This year, the books to be discussed are Judges and Ruth. Considering the moral decline in our nation, I think these are fitting books. This nation seems to be forgetting to call out to God, but there are quite a few people like  Ruth and Boaz, too; people who stand out as a shining light in an ever-darkening world.

We always look forward to this lectureship. Here are a few reasons why.

1. Feasting (Spiritually). We get to hear lesson after lesson from God’s Word, helping us dig deeper into the Bible. There is no way to absorb all the information we hear, but I always come away with dozens of insights and ideas.

2. Fellowship. Outside of being with my family, this may be my favorite part of the lectures. There are so many friends who I only see once or twice each year, and we love talking and catching up at events like this. While it’s fun to keep up with people on Facebook and Twitter, there is nothing like face-to-face conversation to truly reconnect.

3. Family. A lot of our family gets to attend the lectureship, so we strive to spend as much time together as we can. While we can’t spend every moment together, we make sure our paths cross a lot during the few days we are there.

4. Freed-Hardeman Students. Every year, these students put up with around 4000 guests on their campus. They will have classes, but have to fight through more traffic and longer lines. Each year, though, I am impressed with them. They keep a smile on their face, and remain friendly and helpful. It gives me great hope for our future.

There are lots of other things I look forward to, but these are the constants. We always enjoy this week, and pray that we can continue to attend for many years to come. If you aren’t planning on going, take a moment to look through the schedule [pdf]. Maybe you can carve out a day to drive to Henderson and enjoy even just a few hours of the lectureship. You’ll be glad you did!

QUESTION: Are you going to the FHU lectures this year? What are you looking forward to?


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  • Erin O'Hara Wells

    We missed the FHU lectures the past two years (after attending for 10 years straight), and I am very much looking forward to seeing many friends, including your family, and hearing wonderful lessons from God’s word!