Church Life,  Family

Find the Good

This title and thought are not original, but in my opinion, they are desperately needed right now. Today’s post is an encouragement to do just what the title says: Find the good.

This virus is bad. However, we live in a time of modern medicine with technologies, medications, and practices on which to build a defense and prevention. That is so good!

Our society is experiencing some bad things. However, we still live in one of the richest nations on earth with running water, a network of roads on which to travel, modern conveniences with which to entertain ourselves, and any number of things to help offset our struggles. Isn’t that good?

In my own personal life, I have had some challenges this year that have been bad. I have chosen to look for the good: people God has placed in my life, His word, a home with wonderful children, a loving, supporting family, health, resources to help me deal with the challenges … It’s all good!

A dear friend of our family is currently undergoing treatment for multiple myeloma. She said her team of caregivers told her today was probably going to be her best day for a while. Did she see that as depressing? She could have. Instead, she looked for the good and texted out a request for ways to cause mischief on her day of “feeling good.” What a spirit! She looks for the good.

I bought a mask today (yuck). But I liked what the mask says: “It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine.” It is … if I look for the good!

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17)


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