Finding Treasure Right Where You Are

Just a few days ago, a father and son in North Carolina made a remarkable discovery. On a 14-acre piece of land they bought a few years ago, they found a piece of wood sticking out of the ground due to recent dryer, almost drought-like conditions.
As they worked down near the wood, they figured out that the wood was part of a ship that was a little over 100 years old! The area used to be used for gold mines, but when those were basically given up on, some of the equipment was also left behind and forgotten. Now, over 100 years later, this father and son got the joy and excitement of discovering this old ship right on their own land.
I just wonder how many people are searching for new and exciting things far away, when something wonderful is just waiting to be discovered right where they are.
How many Christians see the excitement and pep-rally culture of many huge congregations and begin to wonder why they are sitting every Sunday at a congregation that is stale and boring? All the while, though, what is truly exciting is the joy of worshiping God with people who simply love Him, not all the pomp and rock-n-roll of modern worship.
How many spouses are trying to seek some sort of spark on the side through a relationship at work or with an old high school flame online, when the one they pledged their life to has so much to give and so many exciting things yet to be discovered? One of the joys of married life is learning over the years even new things about your spouse, but we too often don’t want to stay with that person long enough to find out those things.
How many young people are always thinking their parents are boring just because they don’t get to do all the cool activities and trips that other families do? But they forget to truly be part of the family and invest themselves into the home, so they miss out on something great right where they are.
Maybe it’s time we started looking right where we are for treasure that might have just been hidden because we weren’t willing to do the work of finding it…until now. We may not find a priceless piece of history, but we may just discover a relationship that is stronger than ever before, and that’s worth infinitely more.
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn