
Finished: John (Coffman Commentary)

I was given a complete set of the James Burton Coffman Commentaries on the New Testament some time ago (thanks, dad!). I have used them several times for reference, but I had never read one from cover-to-cover until just a few days ago.

Preparing to go to the Freed-Hardeman University lectures, I decided to read the commentary on John all the way through. Most who are familiar with Coffman’s New Testament commentaries know that they are not written on a scholarly level, but, instead are more for the regular Bible student. For that purpose, the commentary on John is good.

If you are looking for a commentary you can understand that will walk you through some of the “simpler” points of John, Coffman’s is good. Also, there are several outlines in the book just waiting to be preached. However, if you are looking for a deeply theological or technical commentary with a lot of emphasis on the Greek text, another commentary would be better.
