“Following the Messiah” : A Great Free Resource You’ll Want to Watch with Your Family

Not long ago, I was informed of a series of videos that is available online for free, and I was told that they were high-quality. Always on the lookout for ideas for our family Bible time, I checked into them.
Earlier this week, we finished watching the 10 videos as a family, and we all think it is one of the best things we have ever done for our family Bible time.
The video series is called “Following the Messiah,” and is produced by Appian Media. These are high-quality, rich-content videos that you will both enjoy and learn from.
Produced with fantastic quality, “Following the Messiah” is filmed in locations that deal with the life of Jesus, but, as the title implies, also tries to retrace some of His steps in chronological order. So, the videos begin with the traditional site of His birth, then follows through with His baptism, temptation, many locations where He taught and interacted with people, and then, of course, leads to the traditional sites of HIs death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.
Along the way, there are other locations or events thrown in–such as a place that serves a traditional Passover feast–to help give some cultural and historical context to the reading of the Bible.
All throughout the videos, Bible texts are either read or alluded to (and all the references are noted on the screen for your own reading), and other comments are made to help bring the text to life.
Following the Messiah: Episodes 1-5 Trailer from Appian Media on Vimeo.
All four of us have been captivated by the videos, and I feel as if some of the information given has really helped me with my understanding of certain Biblical narratives from the life of Jesus.
If you have watched some other Bible documentaries or “on site” recordings, you know that, often, either the quality of the videos is second-rate (at best), or the content is shallow or–on the other end of the spectrum–so academic that you struggle to follow it. Neither is the case with “Following the Messiah.” These videos are high, high quality and the content is engaging and informative.
Each of the 10 videos is about 20-25 minutes in length, making them perfect for you or your family to sit down and watch together (maybe even replacing some sit-com that you don’t need to be watching anyway!), and, trust me, you will be talking about them often as a family.
We look forward to watching Appian Media’s other free series, “Searching for a King,” soon, and we surely are hoping more series are coming in the future!
To watch “Following the Messiah,” you can search for it on Vimeo, or go directly to the Appian Media website here. Remember, all 10 videos are absolutely free!
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn