
When we throw some words around too casually their meaning and/or impact is lost. Do you really love your spouse, your car, your house, your favorite sports team, and ice cream equally? I’m sure that Donna would like to think that she means more to me than a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. (In case you’re wondering – she does – and it isn’t even close!!)
I’ve been wondering lately if the word “forever” has lost its meaning to some of us? Could its impact have been diminished because of overuse, misuse, and/or flippant use?
Did you know that, according to a commercial I hear on a local radio station, you can get a warranty on an automobile you purchase from a certain dealer that will last forever? As the dealer says in his commercial, “That’s a long time.” It may be longer than he thinks.
I’m also hearing about a sweepstakes drawing that I could enter if I would choose to do so. According to this commercial, the winner will be guaranteed a certain amount of money each week for the rest of his or her life. The winner could, during his or her lifetime, choose somebody else to receive that same amount after the death of the winner. If I’m understanding the commercial correctly, those two generations qualify as forever.
If something takes a long time and/or if people anticipate it taking a long time, you’ll often hear the word forever employed. After all, haven’t you said or heard somebody say, “It takes ______ forever to get dressed;” “I sat in traffic forever;” “That class/lecture/sermon/etc. lasted forever.” (It’s interesting that we rarely, if ever, complain about a movie or other form of entertainment in that way.)
This post is not intended to delve into a deep Bible study of the original language of the text of that inspired volume. Neither is it my intention to list and discuss multiple (or any) passages in which the word “forever” is found or the concept of eternity is presented.
I’m fairly certain that most, if not all, who read these words will be familiar with the fact that God’s Word is intended to prepare all of us for that time when there is no time. There will be no vehicle warranties, lottery winnings, etc. Even earthly relationships will no longer be what they are here.
What there will be is a conscious existence either with our Creator or separated from Him
FOREVER. Maybe some of us need to turn off our televisions and radios, quit opening junk mail, concentrating so much on things that will not last forever. Maybe we need to make sure that we are properly prepared for the true and sobering meaning of forever.
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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn