Friday Fun: Overused Words
Every preacher has them. They are words and phrases that he just can’t get away from. Try as he might, he will come back to those phrases over and over.
Here are some that either I use often, or that I have heard other preachers use. Enjoy!
“Quite literally”
“If you will” (or “if you please”)
“As we stand and sing” (there’s got to be another way to say that!)
“In the next place”
“From time-to-time” (this is one of mine, I know)
“Moving along” (and then, of course, we don’t)
“Number next” (???)
“The Apostle Paul” (can someone just call him “Paul”…just once?)
What would you add? What are some overused phrases by preachers?

Wes McAdams
This is probably just me, but my wife brought it to my attention that I often say, “Real quick.” As in, “Let’s turn over to John 1:14 real quick.” Ironically, it very seldom turns out to be “real quick.”
Rob Lester
Listening to the audio recordings, I found that I begin every sermon, EVERY sermon, with the word “Well…”
Rob, I know of a minister who began every PARAGRAPH of his bulletin articles with “Hey!” I always wondered how he handled negative news!!!
“I’ve said all of that to say this”
“By way of introduction…”
“In conclusion”
“the story is told about…” (I’m very guilty of this one)
i have been busted for saying, “If you’re here today and….”
as opposed to the people who are not here
“I imagine”…….this or that when he is speaking of how a person must have felt or how a situation must have played out. I find myself saying that now, too!