
Friday Links Roundup: 100 Years Edition

On his Facebook page today, my dad reminded me of something that I thought I’d share. I have no more living grandparents. My mother’s mother died just over a year ago, and she was my last living grandparent.

However, I was blessed to know all four of my grandparents for a long time. While I miss them, it is a joy to me to know that God blessed me with 32 years of time with grandparents. Grandparents are special, and mine were the best!

Today, my dad’s mom would have turned 100 years of age. She taught school in a one-room schoolhouse. When she died, many of her students (now grey-headed!) came to her visitation and/or funeral because she had meant that much to them. She was a strong but sweet lady who made great desserts!

My dad was an only child, and his Facebook status is so sweet. He wrote, “100 years ago today a very special person was born. A lot of people knew her as Miss Jenny. I am the only person in the world who had the privilege of calling her MOM.”

If you still have a grandparent who is alive, cherish that. Take the time to call or visit as often as you can. I’m so glad my kids have all four of their grandparents, and I pray they will for a long time to come.


On to the links for this week:

1. Andy Brewer shares a great story about his quest to find a lost item, and makes a helpful spiritual application in his post “It Required Persistence.”

2. Where my dad preaches, the congregation has been undergoing a lot of construction work. Dad helps us see an even more important transformation in his article “Before and After.”

3. Don’t think Facebook is a big deal? The Covenant Eyes blog gives us some eye-popping stats about the most visited website in the world in “Obsessed with Facebook.”


We hope you have a great weekend. I know a lot of you are headed to Gatlinburg for the annual Challenge Youth Conference. I hope you have a safe trip and learn many great spiritual lessons. About 50 are going from Lebanon Road, so we’ll have plenty of space for you to sit as you worship God with us!

Wherever you are, remember the Lord on His Day!


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.