
Friday Links Roundup: Congrats, Grads Edition

Nearly every congregation of which I am aware takes some time to celebrate graduating high school seniors. For many of these young people, they will move off to college and will rarely have the opportunity to worship at their “home” congregation anymore. We hope that doesn’t happen with our graduates!

Sunday night, we will be celebrating with our six graduates. Interestingly, all six are ladies! We are proud of them, and will honor them with a video tribute, as well as a meal and gifts. Please pray for all our college students, but especially those who are just beginning this transitional period of life. May they always remain faithful to God and to “the old paths.”

On to the links for this week:

1. We linked last week to Bryant Evans’s post on internet pornography. He continued to post about the problem (and I hope you’ll check out the series), finally concluding with “How You Can Beat Internet Pornography.” Even if you don’t struggle with this problem, this is a helpful read.

2. Neal Cook, a member of the 9th Avenue church of Christ, recently posted an article on their website dealing with abortion. This is powerful stuff. Read “Get on Your Knees.”

3. Jeremiah Tatum posts a simple but powerful article that will cause you to do some serious thinking. Read “4 Things You Will Never Regret.”

4. I have to admit: text messaging is something I use maybe 4-5 times per week. I don’t understand the “big deal” with it. Though it is a great tool, it can also be a great danger, especially when “unchecked.” Take a moment and read Albert Mohler’s column, “Step Texting and Read This.”

5. Finally, a Dave Ramsey post. We recently told you about The Town Hall for Hope. It was viewed by many and we truly enjoyed it. (In fact, I won a DVD of it on Twitter recently!) Hulu has put the show up on its site with few commercials. It is about one hour, forty-five minutes in length. If you click here, the program will automatically start.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you’re near Nashville, come worship with us on Sunday! We’d love to have you with us. We’re still striving to average 380, and we can do it with your help.

No matter where you are, don’t forget the Lord on His day.


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