
Friday Links Roundup: Electronic Catch-Up Edition

I always seem to be at least one step behind in the tech world (and if I’m only one step behind, it’s a good day!). It seems like, as soon as I add a device or application, I find out that something better just came out, or that everyone is moving past that application.

Oh, well. That’s life in 2008, I guess. I enjoy the things I do, and I am always trying to look for ways to bring readers to our church website and this blog. It is also fun to do the “personal” stuff on the web, like Facebook. (If you’re not my Facebook friend, add me. Join the masses…haha.)

There are a couple of exciting updates in our little internet empire that have come about this week:

First, we have finally joined Twitter. This site simply gives brief (no more than 140 characters) updates as to what we are doing at the moment. I can update this from my computer or phone. On the right-hand side of this blog, we have added the first update, and it should automatically update when we change our activities. If you wish to “follow” me on Twitter, feel free. It really is a fun application.

Also, we have added a new application on Facebook that could bring some readers to the blog. There is now an application called “Blog Networks,” and it is somewhat new. I have added the application and placed our blog on there. If you are on Facebook, please add that application, search for our blog and add it as a blog you read. While there, rate the blog. The great thing about getting into this blog at the start is that, as of this writing, we are the #1 blog in the Nashville network! We know that will change, but it gives us the hope of new people coming across our blog through that social networking site.

Now, with all the tech talk out of the way, here are this week’s links:

1. Do you ever need encouragement to serve the Lord in difficult times? Read Paula Harrington’s post, “Even If…”.

2. An interesting post about the differences in reading the Bible (specifically the Old Testament) in the Hebrew language versus English from Stoned-Campbell Disciple.

3. Wayne Jackson with a brief, but great post on Modern Miracles.

4. Justin Guin writes a very personal article about youth ministry. Justin is a tremendous youth minister, and the Double Springs congregation is blessed to have both him and his wife, Tiffany.

5. Kevin Beard (who has a great blog!) writes a thought-provoking article on “Convenience.”

6. Jeff Foster, over at Just Thinking, writes an interesting article on the messages that could be conveyed by church building design.

Have a great weekend. Don’t forget the Lord on His day.

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