Friday Links Roundup: Father's Day 2008 Edition
I think Father’s Day is too overlooked. I’m excited to be preaching Sunday morning on fathers. It will be helpful to me, as I attempt to be a good father. Often, we focus on Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day becomes an afterthought. In a nation that sorely needs Godly fathers, let’s make sure we focus on this holiday, too.
On to the links for this week:
1. I love Barnabas. While not in the Bible much, he stands as an amazing man. Rex, over at For Sinners Only, posted this brief article about the Son of Consolation.
2. Many preachers pull out sermons about modesty this time of year, as families head out on vacations and as clothes become scant. Jeremiah Tatum points out another problem with immodesty: vanity.
3. Restoration Quarterly, the magazine that has been read by many over the years, now has dozens of articles from back issues online, with more to come. Check it out here.
4. Proponents of evolution often point to such amazing things as the Grand Canyon to “prove” that theory. Wayne Jackson presents a brief “starter” for us in how to look at the Grand Canyon as proof of God.
5. Many congregations celebrate birthdays, births, anniversaries, and other high points of life. But what about celebrating when someone puts Christ on in baptism? Matthew Morine explores with this thoughts on the idea.
6. If you’re getting excited about the release of the ESV Study Bible, then you’ll really like this link. You can see the entire introduction to the book of Revelation that will be in that Bible [in pdf] by clicking here.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great Father’s Day. No matter if you are a father or not, don’t forget your heavenly Father on His day.