
Friday Links Roundup: Focus Press Edition

I am a big fan of Focus Press. We subscribe to think magazine, and we have bought subscriptions to their magazines for others as gifts in the past. I am also a big fan of the other materials they produce and/or endorse. think is a magazine that causes me to “push pause” on my other reading when it comes. I love each article, and have been honored to have about a half dozen articles published by them, as well.

This Sunday, my Bible class will begin listening to Joe Wells’ new CD set, “Functional Dysfunction,” which is produced by Focus Press. It is a series about how our society is slowly removing parents from their roles within the home. It is a powerful series, and one I think my class will greatly enjoy and from which we will all benefit.

If you haven’t checked out Focus Press in awhile, do so. You’ll find many helpful resources. You can find their website here.

On to the links for this week:

1. Jeff Jenkins shared one of the most powerful stories I’ve read in some time about how the Gospel still moves people. Trust me, you want to read “The Good News Still Works!” In an age when people are going away from the Gospel, this article needs to “make the rounds” to remind us of the power of God’s Word.

2. I thought this was a fun and delightful post. While Megh Miller writes with a bit of sarcasm, her point comes across clearly. Enjoy “Marriage Beats Dating, Hands Down.”

3. While this post isn’t long, it is a very helpful list. We often post to good financial articles, and this is one of the better “square one” articles I’ve seen in some time. Money Help for Christians posts “20 Reasons to Start a Budget.”

4. I was recently interviewed by The Moving Word blog about, well, our blog (and writing in general). Here is that brief interview (with an old picture of me, so get your laugh-track ready).


We hope you have a great weekend. We are wanting our heat index to avoid reaching 110 this weekend. It would be great if that finally happened! But, that doesn’t matter too much, because Sunday we’ll be inside worshiping God with His people.

Will you be there, too?


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.