Friday Links Roundup: Goodbye, Daewoo Edition
In late October my Daewoo stopped running. The timing belt broke and left me with a decision: put a used engine in the car that would cost more than the car was worth (in fact, over 2 times more), or sell the car for parts.
After a lot of thinking, we decided to sell the car for parts. It is on eBay right now, and the auction ends this afternoon (wanna bid?). While we won’t get much for the car, we feel like this is the best decision. We have been making it with one car, and we are starting to save up for a second. Closer to the time when we move, we plan on buying a super cheap beater to get us through a year or two.
It’s amazing how something that drops in value so quickly can still cause us to think so much!
On to the links.
1. This post is a couple of weeks old, but I just came across it this week. Jeff Foster, over at Just Thinking, writes a post on Numbers 1-10 entitled “A Wilderness Survival Guide.”
2. We often hear experts tell us that the crying need in our nation is better leadership. The same is true in nearly every aspect of life! At Barber Clippings, Jerry Barber writes a very good post entitled “I’ll Tell You What Our Problem is: Lack of Leadership!”
3. Speaking of leadership, Chris Gallagher uses one of John Maxwell’s principles to share an interesting perspective in his article “The Church ‘Law of the Lid’.”
4. Last Monday was Martin Luther King Day, and Trey Morgan took advantage of the memory of the leader to write a thought-provoking article: “I Have a Dream…For the Church.”
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am looking forward to the Men’s Day at the Winfield church of Christ tomorrow. They always do a great job putting this day together. I also am anticipating already brother Andy’s lessons on Sunday, dealing with God’s love. I am running out of Sundays where I can “sit at his feet” to learn, and it is one of the things I will miss most about 9th Avenue.
Don’t forget the Lord, especially on His day.