Friday Links Roundup: Hamburgers On the Grill Edition
I love periods of fellowship with our church family. We have the “usual” potluck meals from time-to-time, but we also do other meals that have themes or where we get together away from our building. Tomorrow, we are having one of those events. (No, we’re not getting together to burn the Quaran.) We are going to enjoy a picnic together at one of our local parks. This is a great way to get together in a relaxed setting with plenty of activities for the children.
If your congregation hasn’t had a fellowship (besides the traditional covered dish potluck) in some time, why not do so soon? It’s a great way to do something away from the church building while enjoying each other’s company.
Oh, and the food isn’t bad, either!
On to the links for this week:
1. We were all saddened to hear the news that brother William Woodson had passed away. His influence will not be soon forgotten in so many locations. My brother-in-law, Jeremiah Tatum, preaches for the Pulaski Street church of Christ in Lawrenceburg, where brother Woodson was a member. In his most recent post, Jeremiah spoke of brother Woodson and of a phrase he often used. Enjoy reading “Our People.”
2. I am a firm believer in the Bible School program, when good planning and work goes into it. Some, though, question whether we should still have this program. Jeff Jenkins looks at this in an excellent article, “Is Sunday School a Waste?”
3. Malachi is often used in sermons dealing with giving to the Lord. Study Your Bible Online ran a very good devotional based upon this idea called “Giving God Your Leftovers.”
4. We often link to “nuts and bolts” articles dealing with money. However, I felt that this simple post was very well done this week. No matter where you are financially, you will gain from Christian Personal Finance’s article “4 Ways to Handle Money God’s Way.” (Preachers, it makes a good outline.) (Lebanon Road folks, you’re likely to hear it!)
5 & 6. Two posts about Polishing the Pulpit. I was honored to have a brief summary article on Polishing the Pulpit over on Brotherhood News’s website. Enjoy that article here, as I wrote from a “first-timers” perspective. Later in the week, Mark Teske wrote a more in-depth article reviewing the program. Here is that article. I don’t know any other way to say it: Every Christian needs to put Polishing the Pulpit on their calendar and in their budget.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend. Make sure you give the Lord what is due to Him on the Lord’s Day (and every day!).

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