Friday Links Roundup: Headed to Camp Edition
It’s amazing, but the summer is winding down. We have had VBS and next week we will enjoy a week of church camp here at Lebanon Road. We have a great group going. At my last count, there were over 50 young people from Lebanon Road who will be camping!
I’m excited to be going for part of the week. I’ll leave Sunday afternoon and come back Tuesday night. I enjoy camp, and I’m appreciative that I get to have some part in the week. It will also be an honor to speak Monday night.
I will do my best to take some pictures during the week, but we’ll see.
On to the links for this week:
1. Steve Higginbotham is beginning his 20th year with the church in Glasgow, Kentucky. As he begins that milestone year, he offers some advice in his article “From Where I Stand.”
2. Caffinated Thoughts writes about the Doctrine of God. You will especially like the “list” at the end of this article, I think.
3. We have all marveled at geese flying through the air in their organized “V” pattern. Jeremiah Tatum gives us some spiritual lessons from that amazing phenomenon. This would be great material for a youth devo.
4. Everyone is talking about how “tight” money is, but many continue on doing the same things they have always done. Maybe that’s one of the reasons money is tight? The Simple Dollar gives a great list to try. It is 100 Things to Do During a Money Free Weekend. Enjoy!
I hope you have a great weekend. I will try to blog as much as possible next week, but it may not be as much as usual, with camp and all.
Don’t forget the Lord on His day!
One Comment
Shane Vander Hart
Thanks for the linkage. I’m glad you liked that post.