
Friday (??) Links Roundup: House Closings Edition

This afternoon, we are closing on our house here in Haleyville. Then we are travelling to Birmingham, where Leah’s mom is having surgery tomorrow morning. Then, we are travelling to Nashville, and closing on our house there on Monday. I’m tired already!

So, the links roundup comes a day early. Enjoy the articles this week.

1. Kevin Beard, on his new blog, writes a thought-provoking article entitled “A Good Person? Really??”

2. Ever had one of those Sundays when the leaders wondered if church should be cancelled? Steve Higginbotham writes a great article entitled “Cancelling Church.” (Also, the comments are worth your time on this one.)

3. Drew Kizer writes an interesting article on the intimate nature of prayer in his article “Abba! Father!”

4. There are some Biblical subjects that are just hard to address. Some of them border on embarrassing. Trey Morgan does a terrific job with one of those in his article “Sexual Needs in Marriage.” Young people, please ask your parents before reading this article. Thank you.

5. Ricky Berger sent me an email with church bloopers in it. He also sent it to David Courington, and David posted it. It’s good for a big-time laugh. Read “Church Bulletins–Always Good for a Laugh.”

I hope everyone has a great weekend. If you are near Nashville, I’ll be preaching at Lebanon Road Sunday morning at 9:00. Come see us there. No matter where you are, don’t forget the Lord on His day.


One Comment

  • preacherman

    Excellent post.
    I really enjoy your blog.
    It is one of my favorites.
    Keep up the wonderful posts and blogging.
    In Him,
    Kinney Mabry