Friday Links Roundup: Interlude Edition
I’m teaching the class on Revelation again Sunday morning. We are on Revelation 7, which is the first “interlude” in the book. I’m excited about teaching a chapter that many people in the religious world disagree on. Hopefully, we can have some good discussion about the 144,000, the Great Tribulation, etc.
Here are the links for this week:
1. Finding time to pray. I know we should make time to pray, but finding the time to pray deeply and fervently can be a challenge. Becky Welch writes a deeply personal article that I think you will find interesting. Read “Waiting on God” over at The Welch Family.
2. Is it hard to preach against instrumental music? What about preaching the distinctive nature of the Church? It depends on the people to whom you are preaching. Matthew Morine presents an interesting take entitled “The Hard Lessons” (by the way, the comments are also worth a quick read).
3. Sometimes the best articles are ones that are “Just a Thought.” That’s the case with Chris Gallagher’s article over at Preacher’s Pen.
Enjoy the articles and enjoy the weekend. I’m going to try to avoid getting the flu!
Don’t forget the Lord on His day.
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David Kirk
Thanks for your ministry!