
Friday Links Roundup: Lack of Posts for Good Reasons Edition

I am truly sorry when the blog is not updated more regularly. This week, though, I have several good reasons why the number of posts has been, well, zero.

First, I did not do the Lebanon Road Report because I didn’t get the “numbers” until late in the week. However, I hope to post some pictures of our church picnic that was held last Saturday soon.

Then, my internet at home went down (and remains so). I usually try to post one or two articles early in the morning from home, but that was “out.”

Then, Jeremiah’s surgery that was supposed to be next Tuesday was suddenly rescheduled for this week. He did so well, and was able to go home yesterday. Please keep him and the family in your prayers as he recovers at home.

Then, I preached Wednesday night in Leeds, Alabama.

Then, I had car trouble.

So, this has been an eventful but exciting week. We continue to love Lebanon Road and we hope that, if you are in the Nashville area (living or on a trip) that you will stop by and see us. You will quickly fall in love with the friendly people here.

On to the links.

1. Last Sunday, of course, was Mother’s Day. I thought you might like this post from Out Here Hope Remains. Preachers, its alliterated!!!

2. Wayne Jackson’s article “Portraits of Christ” is brief, but powerful. This would make an excellent sermon series of Bible class topic.

3. Christians should be a portrait of unity, but we often fall far short in that area. Jeremiah Tatum presents a thought-provoking article, “Personality and Opinion.”

4. Young people are preparing to head to Christian camps this summer. Much good is often done in those sessions, but the camps are used for many other things (or they should be!). Read this brief article from I Can’t Wait for Maywood to see just a glimpse into how much that good camp is used. While there, drop Jeff Goff a note telling him how much you appreciate his care of that camp’s work.

5. Finally, this article is not “religious” in nature, but I found it interesting. With all of us waiting for our “stimulus package” checks (why don’t they just tax us less?????), we are trying to figure out what to do with them. Trent at The Simple Dollar shares his thoughts. In case you’re wondering, we plan on giving some of ours and using the rest to continue getting out of debt. (We’re getting closer every day!)

Those are the links on this insanely busy week. Maybe we can get our internet fixed soon and get back to regular posting.

Have a great weekend, and don’t forget the Lord on His day.

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