Friday Links Roundup: Live from Missouri Edition
As I type this links roundup, my family and I are in Dexter, Missouri. In a few hours, the Inspiration youth rally will begin at the Dexter church of Christ. Of course, this is a special congregation to me, because we lived here from the time I was going into 3rd grade until I had finished my freshman year of college. So, when we return each year, it is a great time.
Leah and I are both teaching classes at the rally, and they are expecting about 400 in attendance. This year marks the 31st anniversary of the rally. If you’re in this area, we hope you’ll stop by and see us!
On to the links for this week:
1. When I read the letter that Cindy Colley posted on her blog this week, my heart was touched. Parents and young people alike need to read this post, entitled “I Want to Know What it Would Have Felt Like.” This is powerful stuff.
2. Speaking of powerful, this post from Jeremiah Tatum may be focused on preachers, but there are practical thoughts here for us all. Thoughtfully consider his words in “Chained to the Pulpit.” I know I have!
3. Who hurts when a pornography addiction is uncovered? Most of us would answer “the spouse.” But there are others who are hurt. Covenant Eyes posted an article by Ashley Weis that should cause us all to think. It’s called “I Wasn’t the Only Victim of His Porn Addiction.” [Special note: I contacted Ashley about her novel and she is sending me a copy to review. I’m excited about reading this volume in a few weeks, and I thank her for sending it.]
4. The next link isn’t to one post, but to a blog that is new to us. I have enjoyed reading what’s there, and look forward to future posts, though the blog is for young ladies. In fact, it’s called “For Christian Girls.”
5. I love highly personal blog posts. Christina Gillim wrote a post this week that really made me think (and “thank”). It’s short, but powerful and personal. Here is her untitled post.
6. The Christian Chronicle has been running some articles corresponding to the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible’s production. One of the more interesting ones came out this week and deals with which version of Scripture is most popular among members of the Church. Though a small sample size was used, the information is still helpful. Here is the article.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend. No matter where you are, make sure you worship the Lord on His day.

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