Friday Links Roundup: Missionary Weekend Edition
This weekend at Lebanon Road is going to be very special. We are having a Missions Weekend. We had one of these two years ago, and we would like to do continue doing this about every other year.
Lebanon Road supports 8 full-time missionaries (plus some other works). On this weekend, all eight of these missionaries and their families will be with us for a series of events. There will be meals, meetings with our elders, trips to Christian bookstores, and worship together on Sunday. Our missions committee deserves a great deal of thanks for piecing this together and keeping in contact with our missionaries to make sure all their schedules could allow for this.
For our Lebanon Road folks, don’t forget that all 8 missionaries will be speaking in various Bible classes on Sunday morning. A great way to show them your support is to make that extra effort to attend a class.
On to the links for this week:
1. There are a few video games I like (I always was a fan of SimCity), but I don’t have a console, and don’t really like to play games for hours on end. Cindy Colley shares some important thoughts for our parents on the idea of video game addiction in her post “Video Games: The Next Level Could be Dangerous.”
2. Study Your Bible Online mentioned a great hymn this week and made some great points about the Biblical basis for what we sing. Since we are obviously fans of hymns (see the “hymns” tab above), this post meant a lot to us. Enjoy “Theology of the Song ‘In Christ Alone’.”
3 & 4. FoxNews.com published a story this week stating that some researchers in Boston were showing great strides in using adult stem cells to possibly treat certain diseases. Here is that story. Of course, study after study has shown that embryonic stem cells don’t work (and of course, they destroy human life), so stories like this one are important. For more on the difference in these two types of cells, read this open letter from Brad Harrub to a US Senator.
We hope you have a great weekend. Please continue to pray that our “index card challenge” at Lebanon Road will be a success. I have already heard from some folks who have said open doors have been there and they have had the courage to “walk through.” That is so exciting!!! To God be the glory.
Make sure you give Him glory every day, but especially on His day.

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