Friday Links Roundup: Mother's Day '08 Edition
What a special holiday! I’m thankful to live in a nation that honors moms with a special holiday. It’s always fun to see people drive many miles just to worship with mom. It’s also funny to see how many restaurants are filled to overflowing on Mother’s Day!
I’m thankful every day for my mother. God blessed me with the best.
I’m also thankful every day that Mary Carol and Turner have the mom they have (and that I have her for my bride!). Leah is the best mom our two children could have.
Make sure to take time to call, write, or visit mom on Mother’s Day.
On to the links for this week.
1. Much has been made of the “Reverend” Wright controversy surrounding Barak Obama. Please read Steve Higginbotham’s article about the preacher.
2. I thought this article from Preacher’s Pen was a great “take” on the idea that children imitate what they see from adults, especially adults in leadership positions.
3. A good title draws you in, but the thoughts behind “Jesus, the Pyromaniac?” will cause you to think.
4. Trey Morgan is a cancer survivor, and the blog world is thankful for it! Please read his personal article about lessons learned from cancer. As proof that this subject hits home, at the time of this post, there were FORTY-THREE comments to the post.
Have a great Mother’s Day weekend. I hope you celebrate mom in a special way.
But don’t forget the Lord on His Day.