
Friday Links Roundup: Not the Sunday for an Attendance Drive Edition

We aren’t having an attendance drive this week. Why? About 15% of those who usual attend Lebanon Road on Sunday morning are going to be at Challenge Youth Conference in Gatlinburg. About 42 people from Lebanon Road are headed to this good event this weekend, and we know they are going to have a good weekend, learning about God’s Word and enjoying the time together. We are blessed with a lot of adults who help with trips like these, and (of course) we have great young people who attend.

However, while we aren’t having an attendance drive, we still want you to be with us! We are continuing our series on the family, and we hope it helps many folks. We’ll be looking at a lesson called “When Children Enter the Family Portrait.” We hope to see you at 9AM Sunday at Lebanon Road.

On to the links for this week:

1. Who knows you well? Jesus does! Scroll down a bit on Douglas Brackbill’s page to read “Who Has It?”

2. Since you’re reading this, you know that we feel the internet is a good tool to reach and help people. J. Randall Matheny on Forthright magazine shares some helpful thoughts on this concept in “15 Minutes of Fame Down to 5.”

3. Since we no longer have cable (or DirecTV), we are always excited to see others doing the same thing. Justin Guin wrote this week about taking it a step further than we did! I love “I Know You Might Think This is Weird…”.

4. Many, literally, cannot afford for mom to stay at home. Many, though, make that claim, but could if they did a few things. Craig Ford shares some very practical steps a family can make in order for this to happen. Enjoy “How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Wife and Mom.”

5. One practice done by many in our world today (especially young people) is self-mutilation. It is a practice that, if you are not involved in it, can seem nearly impossible to understand. Dale Sadler shares a brief article he wrote for Kaio magazine that will help. It is called, “The Motivation behind Self-Mutilation.”

6. Be honest: you’ve been angry at a referee before! Trey Morgan shares a great comparison, though, that should cause you to think. Enjoy “We Don’t Need Church Referees.”

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you’re headed to CYC, have a wonderful weekend. If not, why not head to Nashville!

No matter where you are, make sure you worship the Lord on His day.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.