
Friday Links Roundup: Podcast Feedback Edition

Each week, I look forward to a lot of things associated with preaching.

Of course, I look forward to time spent studying God’s Word and drawing lessons from it that, hopefully, will help people draw closer to Him and to each other. I look forward to opportunities to visit with folks and offer some encouragement. I enjoy writing sermons; seeing where something “fits” as it helps make a sermon flow.

I also, however, look forward to some of the “extras” it’s a privilege to be a part of. Writing articles is a blast, as is writing for this blog. These “extras” are always in the back-burner compared to other things, but they are a joy to do.

Another “extra” is iPreach the podcast. Over the past several weeks, this podcast has really started to grow in quality. Our guests have always been great, but the technology side of things has started to come together over the past six weeks or so. Dale Jenkins and I truly enjoy recording this podcast each week, and we hope it helps folks.

While iPreach is (obviously) designed for preachers, there is something for everyone! You can listen to past episodes from the web here, or you can subscribe via iTunes. Just search for iPreach and then subscribe. While there, please rate the show. The more ratings we receive, the better our chances are of moving up in iTunes searches.

Finally, drop us an email and let us know if you are listening. There is no way for us to know how many are listening each week unless you tell us so, so take a minute and drop a line so we can have a “ballpark guesstimate” of how many are listening.

On to the links for this week:

1. Speaking of iPreach, Dale also posted an article about the podcast, so take a moment and read his thoughts here.

2. John Gaines wrote a guest article for Forthright Magazine that talks about what we would give in exchange for integrity. Check it out here.

3. Bryant Evans (welcome to the blog reader!) posted a blunt, but well researched article this week dealing with Internet Pornography. This is truly an eye-opener.

4. Many have noted the recent Gallup poll showing that a majority of Americans are prolife (!) and many have blogged about it. Here is one article dealing with the question of seeking legislation versus seeking true ministry.

5. Does it really matter if a family worships together and makes that a priority? Take a look at this post by my dad.

6. On Christian Courier’s website, Wayne Jackson tackles a very important question that many do not understand. This is one you’ll probably want to print out. Check out “Did the Ancient Gentiles Have the Hope of Salvation?

7. Finally, one financial article, and it’ll take you awhile to get through it. We all want to save money, but where and how are hard to figure out sometimes. Get Rich Slowly offers a HUGE number of links to articles from the last three years about saving money on food. This is worth bookmarking and coming back to over and over to save money!

We hope you enjoy all the links! Please let us know if you like the Friday Links Roundup and ways we could improve it or make it more user-friendly. We love doing this, but we want it to be as helpful and encouraging as possible.

Note that the Lebanon Road Report will probably not be up until Tuesday next week. I’m going to try to stay away from work on Monday (unless it’s a Bible study or baptism, of course!!!!) for Memorial Day.

We hope you have a great weekend, and we hope you remember not just our fallen soldiers, but our risen Lord on His Day.


Follow the Faughn Family of Four on Twitter here.

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