Friday Links Roundup: Power of Social Media for Good Edition
First, let me give you a quick update on dad. He’s doing some better today, but his recovery from the surgery he had last Friday is taking longer than expected. He is showing progress, but it is quite slow. He is still in the hospital, and we continue to be thankful for all your prayers.
After the storms this week across the south and east of the USA, so many of us (as is often the case) wanted to “do something,” but didn’t know what that “something” was. On Thursday morning, I thought of an idea. Why not just see if we can all stop for 5 minutes to pray for the victims of these storms. While prayer always works, I am always encouraged when I know that many have stopped for a few minutes to pray.
So, I threw the idea out there on my Facebook page and Twitter feed. I asked folks to stop at 11AM Thursday to pray for 5 minutes. I even said, “I wonder if we can have 1000 praying.” I don’t know how many there were, but I honestly think we rolled by 1000. I was told that folks stopped and prayed in Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, New York, and even Brazil and China! I was told that entire student groups stopped and joined in the prayer on Christian campuses. Families got together at lunchtime and prayed. From hospital rooms to offices, folks said they prayed. And those are just the stories I was told!
It was overwhelming. I hope we don’t face tragedies like this often, but I am a firm believer in the power of social media to get the word out about prayer in these times. When a tragedy strikes, don’t be surprised if there’s not another “stop what you are doing and pray” moment. Maybe next time, we could cross 5000 folks!
One more thing: today on iPreach, Dale Jenkins and I are interviewing 3 ministers from Alabama who will inform us about ways we can help in the efforts following the storms. The show will be available on iTunes or on early Friday afternoon. I hope you will listen and see how you and the congregation where you worship can help. Lots of help will be needed for a long time to come.
Since we haven’t done a links roundup in a couple of weeks, we’ve got several for you, but they are truly the cream of the crop!
1. Jeff Jenkins was asked to write an article for a new online publication that my friend Neil Richey is starting (I will have an article in the next issue.). He “tweaked” it for a great post that all parents need to read. Enjoy “Parents, Encourage Your Children to Love God.”
2. I love seeing what young people are learning in classes and devotionals. Recently my friend, Miranda Graham, posted the notes she used for a young ladies’ devo at FHU on gentleness. The notes are outstanding! Here is her post.
3. Here’s a tech article that even I understand and plan to implement. I don’t do much reading of books online (since I already read so much from a computer screen), but Daniel Howell’s latest Tech Tip Tuesday will help me make better use of online books. Enjoy his video tutorial here.
4. I have been thinking a lot about China lately. I have a few friends there who are working, but also sharing the Gospel with many in that nation. They are doing amazing work, though the Church is persecuted. Albert Mohler, though writing from a denominational perspective, wrote an article that really made me think about what so many are facing in that nation. This post is a little long, but you will gain much from “If This is What God Intended, So Be It.”
5. I found this news item from to be of great interest. Vishal Mangalwadi, who wrote a book on the influence of the Bible, wrote a brief article for the news site entitled “Does the Bible Matter in the 21st Century?”
6. Our family loves Polishing the Pulpit, and we are already excited about the program this year, though it is not until August! (You are going, right???) For many, the cost is a difficult obstacle to overcome, though. So, I found this page to be helpful. Enjoy “Ten Ways to Afford to Come to PTP.” Now that you know how to afford it, we’ll see you there!
7. Okay, one just for fun. Brad Montague found a video for his blog that I found to be amazing. I love people with unique musical talent, so this video blew me away. Take time to enjoy this one!
We hope you have a great weekend. Keep the storm victims in your prayers, and seek ways you can help out.
Above all, never forget the Lord, especially on His Day.

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