
Friday Links Roundup: Sunday Gauntlet Edition

I love Sundays. As we end the Friday Links Roundup each week, I always try to remind you that it’s the Lord’s Day and to put Him first.

Many Sundays are filled with activities and wear me out by the end, but that’s okay. As I say, “It’s a good kind of tired.” This will be one of those Sundays! If you are near Nashville, join Lebanon Road for any or all of the following:

9AM: Worship
10:20AM: Bible study
11AM: Potluck (yes, we’ll feed you this week!!!)
–after that, I have a Bible study with a young lady who has been visiting with us.
–we also have a young lady graduating Sunday afternoon
4PM: Heartland (assisted living home) service
4:30PM: Camp meeting
6PM: Worship
7PM: My family is hosting the youth devo

Now, some have Sundays with more than that, but that is plenty in one week for me!

Lebanon Road folks, let’s make it a special day. Invite someone to worship with you and have them stay for the meal. Can we have 380 Sunday morning? We can if you will invite!

On to the links for this week:

1. I often try to tell folks that “we’re not perfect, we’re just trying.” The same is true on the family level. All those families that come to worship struggle with something. Hopefully, they are working on those struggles Biblically, and the church should always be there to help. Jim Martin writes a very moving post entitled “Will You Let Go of This Myth about Families?

2. Graduations are happening all over the place. Four of our 6 Seniors are graduating this weekend. Bill Williams uses that theme in his post “Graduation: More than a Ceremony.”

3. Zig Ziglar is known for his “be, do, have” mentality. His son, Tom, recently blogged about it here. The post contains a link to a great site with over 150 brief videos aimed at helping sales people, but that can encourage us all.

4. Finally, this is not a new blog, but it’s one I just came across as a way to keep up with my alma mater, Freed-Hardeman University. Seasons magazine now hosts a photo blog, filled with beautiful pictures from events on campus. Check it out here.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. We’re hoping (again) to play softball tonight. We think they should change the name of the league to “weather permitting.” If not, it’ll be more time with my family!

No matter what you do this weekend, don’t forget the Lord on His day.

[Lebanon Road…380? We can!]


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