Friday Links Roundup: Tea Party Edition
No, not the election season tea party.
Mary Carol turned five yesterday and her “big” present was what she calls her “tea party table.” She also got some dishes and cups (thanks to Grammy and Grampy), so she held a marathon tea party yesterday.
It is hard to believe that it’s been five years since we adopted Mary Carol. The way God brought her into our lives is one of the most amazing things we have ever experienced, and we are grateful every day for His working in our lives.
Here’s our adopted treasure opening a present yesterday.
On to the links for this week:
1. Any reminder I can read about doing what Christ would have me to do instead of just knowing it intellectually is helpful to me. Heather Fortenberry wrote a very personal post about just that this week that truly is a must-read. Hopefully, you will gain as much from “What Am I Doing?” as I did.
2. Steve Higginbotham wrote a fantastic article this week that needs to be read and read again. The post tries to show that emotionalism does not necessarily equate to spirituality, as we are often told. Of course, there is a great amount of emotion in Christianity, but just because you “feel something,” does not necessarily mean it is the right thing. Take the time to read “What Is Spiritual?”
3. If you want a good list to help your marriage, Trey Morgan provides it this week. Read “9 Myths in Marriage,” and make sure you haven’t fallen for any of these!
4. Two of our favorite topics for our blog are family and money. So, we give you a wonderful post that combines the two. Megh Miller shares her post “Learning to Manage Money Is Great for Your Marriage.”
5. Finally, a quick news item. I don’t like the picture in this article from Connecticut, but the article shows that there are still some people in our nation with some level of morals. The article deals with a local cheerleading squad and how some on the squad requested to have their uniforms changed, because they were too revealing! Here is the article (but note that the picture is of the “revealing” uniforms, so you may not wish to let your children see the post).
We hope you have a wonderful weekend. We are looking forward to Mary Carol’s birthday party tonight and to a wonderful Sunday with God’s people here at Lebanon Road.
No matter where you are, don’t forget Him on His Day!

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